Jumat, 27 September 2013

digital control system analysis and design 3rd edition phillips free download

                                     Book description

This revision of the best selling book for the digital controls course features new running applications and integration of MATLAB, the most widely used software in controls. Coverage of root locus design and the Fourier transform have also been increased.

                          Table Of Content

1. Introduction.

 2. Discrete-Time Systems and the z-Transform.

 3. Sampling and Reconstruction.

 4. Open-Loop Discrete-Time Systems.

 5. Closed-Loop Systems.

 6. System Time-Response Characteristics.

 7. Stability Analysis Techniques.

 8. Digital Controller Design.

 9. Pole-Assignment Design and State Estimation.

10. Linear Quadratic Optimal Control.

11. Sampled-Data Transformation of Analog Filters.

12. Digital Filter Structures.

13. Microcomputer Implementation of Digital Filters.

14. Finite-Wordlength Effects.

15. Case Studies.



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solution manual of design of concrete structures by arthur nilson 14 edition

                                Book Description
The 14th edition of the classic text, Design of Concrete Structures, is completely revised using the newly released 2008 ACI (American Concrete Institute) Code. This new edition has the same dual objectives as the previous editions; first to establish a firm understanding of the behavior of structural concrete, then to develop proficiency in the methods used in current design practice.
Design of Concrete Structures covers the behavior and design aspects of concrete and provides updated examples and homework problems. New material on slender columns, seismic design, anchorage using headed deformed bars, and reinforcing slabs for shear using headed studs has been added. The notation has been thouroughly updated to match changes in the ACI Code.
The text also presents the basic mechanics of structural concrete and methods for the design of individual members for bending, shear, torsion, and axial force, and provides detail in the various types of structural systems applications, including an extensive presentation of slabs, footings, foundations, and retaining walls.
                    Table Of Contents

About the AuthorsPreface 
Ch. 1 Introduction1
Ch. 2 Materials28
Ch. 3 Flexural Analysis and Design of Beams64
Ch. 4 Shear and Diagonal Tension in Beams114
Ch. 5 Bond, Anchorage, and Development Length163
Ch. 6 Serviceability203
Ch. 7 Analysis and Design for Torsion231
Ch. 8 Short Columns251
Ch. 9 Slender Columns287
Ch. 10 Strut-and-Tie Models321
Ch. 11 Design and Reinforcement at Joints347
Ch. 12 Analysis of Indeterminate Beams and Frames375
Ch. 13 Analysis and Design of Slabs412
Ch. 14 Yield Line Analysis for Slabs483
Ch. 15 Strip Method for Slabs508
Ch. 16 Footings and Foundations545
Ch. 17 Retaining Walls575
Ch. 18 Concrete Building Systems599
Ch. 19 Prestressed Concrete634
Ch. 20 Seismic Design700App
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Kamis, 26 September 2013

troduction to robotics mechanics and control 3rd edition

                        Book Description
Now in its third edition, Introduction to Robotics by John J. Craig provides readers with real-world practicality with underlying theory presented. With one half of the material from traditional mechanical engineering material, one fourth control theoretical material, and one fourth computer science, the book covers rigid-body transformations, forward and inverse positional kinematics, velocities and Jacobians of linkages, dynamics, linear control, non-linear control, force control methodologies, mechanical design aspects and programming of robots. For engineers.
                       Table Of Contents
 1. Introduction.

 2. Spatial Transformations.

 3. Forward Kinematics.

 4. Inverse Kinematics.

 5. Velocities, Static Forces, and Jacobians.

 6. Dynamics.

 7. Trajectory Planning.

 8. Mechanical Design of Robots.

 9. Linear Control.

10. Non-Linear Control.

11. Force Control.

12. Programming Languages and Systems.

13. Simulation and Off-Line Programming. 

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Selasa, 24 September 2013

power electronics circuits devices and applications by m h rashid 3rd edition free download

                                       Book Description
This state-of-the-art book covers the basics of emerging areas in power electronics and a broad range of topics such as power switching devices, conversion methods, analysis and techniques, and applications. Its unique approach covers the characteristics of semiconductor devices first, and then discusses the applications of these devices for power conversions. Well-written and easy-to-follow, the book features numerous worked-out examples that demonstrate the applications of conversion techniques in design and analysis of converter circuits. Chapter topics include power semiconductor diodes and circuits, diode rectifiers, power transistors, DC-DC converters, pulse-width modulated inverters, thyristors, resonant pulse inverters, multilevel inverters, controlled rectifiers, AC voltage controllers, static switches, flexible ac transmission systems, power supplies. DC and AC drives, gate drive circuits, and protection of devices and circuits. For individuals in interested in the fields of electrical and electronic engineering.
                              Table Of Contents
 1. Introduction.

 2. Power Semiconductor Diodes and Circuits.

 3. Diode Rectifiers.

 4. Power Transistors.

 5. DC-DC Converters.

 6. Pulse-width Modulated Inverters.

 7. Thyristors.

 8. Resonant Pulse Inverters.

 9. Multilevel Inverters.

10. Controlled Rectifiers.

11. AC Voltage Controllers.

12. Static Switches.

13. Flexible AC Transmission Systems.

14. Power Supplies.

15. DC Drives.

16. AC Drives.

17. Gate Drive Circuits.

18. Protection of Devices and Circuits.

Appendices: Three-phase Circuits, Magnetic Circuits, Switching Functions of Converters, DC Transient Analysis, Fourier Analysis, Thyristor Commutation Techniques, Data Sheets.
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Senin, 23 September 2013

object oriented programming by robert lafore 4th edition free download

                                                    Book Description
Object-Oriented Programming in C++ begins with the basic principles of the C++ programming language and systematically introduces increasingly advanced topics while illustrating the OOP methodology. While the structure of this book is similar to that of the previous edition, each chapter reflects the latest ANSI C++ standard and the examples have been thoroughly revised to reflect current practices and standards.

Educational Supplement
Suggested solutions to the programming projects found at the end of each chapter are made available to instructors at recognized educational institutions. This educational supplement can be found at www.prenhall.com, in the Instructor Resource Center.
                      Table Of Contents
A Note to Teachers.
1. The Big Picture.
2. C++ Programming Basics.
3. Loops and Decisions.
4. Structures.
5. Functions.
6. Objects and Classes.
7. Arrays and Strings.
8. Operator Overloading.
9. Inheritance.
10. Pointers.
11. Virtual Functions and Other Subtleties.
12. Streams and Files.
13. Multifile Programs.
14. Templates and Exceptions.
15. The Standard Template Library.
16. Object-Oriented Software Development.
Appendix A: ASCII Table.
Appendix B: Standard C++ Keywords.
Appendix C: Microsoft Visual C++.
Appendix D: Borland C++ Builder.
Appendix E: Console Graphics Lite.
Appendix F: STL Algorithms and Member Functions.
Appendix G: Answers to Questions and Exercises
File size 13.07 Mb
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Jumat, 20 September 2013

Engineering mechanic dynamics 6th ed meriam kraige solution manual free download

                                  Book Description
Over the past 50 years, Meriam & Kraige's Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics has established a highly respected tradition of excellence--a tradition that emphasizes accuracy, rigor, clarity, and applications. Now in a Sixth Edition, this classic text builds on these strengths adding a comprehensive course management system, Wiley Plus, to the text, including an e-text, homework management, animations of concepts, and additional teaching and learning resources. New sample problems, new homework problems, and updates to content make the book more accessible. The Sixth Edition continues to provide a wide variety of high quality problems that are known for their accuracy, realism, applications, and variety motivating students to learn and develop their problem solving skills. To build necessary visualization and problem-solving skills, the Sixth Edition continues to offer comprehensive coverage of drawing free body diagrams-- the most important skill needed to solve mechanics problems.
                        Table Of Contents
* Introduction to Dynamics
* Kinematics of Particles
* Kinetics of Particles
* Kinetics of Systems of Particles
* Plane Kinematics of Rigid Bodies
* Plane Kinetics of Rigid Bodies
* Introduction to Three-Dimensional Dynamics of Rigid Bodies
* Vibration and Time Response
Appendix A: Area Moments of Inertia Appendix B: Mass Moments of Inertia Appendix C: Selected Topics of Mathematics Appendix D: Useful Tables Index.
File Size         97,75 MB
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Kamis, 19 September 2013

Theory of Machines and Mechanisms joseph edward shigley 4th Edition

                              Book Description
heory of Machines and Mechanisms provides a text for the complete study of displacements, velocities, accelerations, and static and dynamic forces required for the proper design of mechanical linkages, cams, and geared systems. The authors present the background, notation, and nomenclature essential for students to understand the various independent technical approaches that exist in the field of mechanisms, kinematics, and dynamics.

Now fully revised in its fourth edition, this text is ideal for senior undergraduate or graduate students in mechanical engineering who are taking a course in kinematics and/or machine dynamics.

New to the Fourth Edition

* Includes more worked examples throughout, and many new and updated end-of-chapter homework problems
* Coverage of helical gears, bevel gears, worms, and worm gears is now integrated into a single chapter
* Material on planar and spatial dynamic force analysis is now integrateded into a single chapter
* A completely new chapter has been added on multi-degree-of-freedom planar linkage analysis
* The chapter on kinematic synthesis has been markedly expanded, and now includes three and four accuracy position graphical methods
* The chapter on static force analysis has been expanded to included coverage of buckling of axially-loaded two-force members under compression


* In-text CD includes Working Model animations of many figures from the text to help students visualize and comprehend their movement
* A companion website for instructors (www.oup.com/us/uicker) provides additional information and resources, including PowerPoint-based slides of figures from the text
                           Table of contents
Chapter 1: Evolution of a Successful Design (Thomas H. Brown, Jr.)PART 1: MACHINE ELEMENTS IN MOTIONChapter 2: A Thesaurus of Mechanisms (L.E. Torfason)Chapter 3: Linkages (Richard E. Gustavson)Chapter 4: Cam Mechanisms (Andrzej A. Oledzki)Chapter 5: Gear Trains (Harold L. Johnson)PART 2: MACHINE ELEMENTS THAT ABSORB AND STORE ENERGYChapter 6: Springs (Robert E. Joerres)Chapter 7: Flywheels (Daniel M. Curtis)Chapter 8: Clutches and Brakes (John R. Zimmerman)PART 3: GEARINGChapter 9: Spur Gears (Joseph E. Shigley)Chapter 10: Helical Gears (Raymond J. Drago)Chapter 11: Bevel and Hypoid Gears (Theodore J. Krenzer and Robert J. Hotchkiss)Chapter 12: Worm Gearing (K.S. Edwards)Chapter 13: Power Screws (Rudolph J. Eggert)PART 4: POWER TRANSMISSIONChapter 14: Belt Drives (Wolfram Funk)Chapter 15: Chain Drives (John L. Wright)Chapter 16: Couplings (Howard B. Schwerdlin)Chapter 17: Shafts (Charles R. Mischke)PART 5: BEARINGS AND LUBRICATIONChapter 18: Rolling-Contact Bearings (Charles R. Mischke)Chapter 19: Journal Bearings (Theo J. Keith, Jr.)Chapter 20: Lubrication (A.R. Lansdown)Chapter 21: Seals (R. Bruce Hopkins)PART 6: FASTENING, JOINING, AND CONNECTINGChapter 22: Bolted and Riveted Joints (John H. Bickford)Chapter 23: Threaded Fasteners (Joseph E. Shigley)Chapter 24: Unthreaded Fasteners (Joseph E. Shigley)Chapter 25: Gaskets (Daniel E. Czernik)Chapter 26: Welded Connections (Richard S. Sabo and Omer W. Blodgett)Chapter 27: Fits and Tolerances (Joseph E. Shigley and Charles R. Mischke)PART 7: LOAD CAPABILITY CONSIDERATIONSChapter 28: Strength Under Static Conditions (Charles R. Mischke and Joseph E. Shigley)Chapter 29: Strength Under Dynamic Conditions (Charles R. Mischke)Chapter 30: Instabilities in Beams and Columns (Harry Herman)Chapter 31: Vibration and Control of Vibration (T.S. Sankar and R.B. Bhat)PART 8: PERFORMANCE OF ENGINEERING MATERIALSChapter 32: Solid Materials (Joseph Datsko)Chapter 33: Strength of Cold-Worked and Heat-Treated Steels (Charles R. Mischke)Chapter 34: Wear (Kenneth C. Ludema)Chapter 35: Corrosion (Milton G. Willie)PART 9: CLASSICAL STRESS AND DEFORMATION ANALYSISChapter 36: Stress (Joseph E. Shigley)Chapter 37: Deflection (Charles R. Mischke)Chapter 38: Curved Beams and Rings (Joseph E. Shigley)Chapter 39: Pressure Cylinders (Sachindranarayan Bhaduri)APPENDIX: SECTIONS AND SHAPES -- TABULAR DATA (Joseph E. Shigley)INDEX
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Rabu, 18 September 2013

electronic devices by floyd 6th edition solution manual

                                    Book Description
This popular, up-to-date devices book takes a strong systems approach that identifies the circuits and components within a system, and helps readers see how the circuit relates to the overall system function. Floyd is well known for straightforward, understandable explanations of complex concepts, as well as for non-technical, on-target treatment of mathematics. The extensive use of examples, Multisim simulations, and graphical illustrations makes even complex concepts understandable. From discrete components, to linear integrated circuits, to programmable analog devices, this book's coverage is well balanced between discrete and integrated circuits. Also includes focus on power amplifiers; BJT and FET amplifiers; advanced integrated circuits�instrumentation and isolation amplifiers; OTAs; log/antilog amplifiers; and converters. Thorough coverage of optical topics�high intensity LEDs and fiber optics. Devices sections on differential amplifiers and the IGBT (insulated gate bipolar transistor) are now included. For electronics technicians.
                              Table Of Contents
I Dc Circuits
1 Components, Quantities, and Units
2 Voltage, Current, and Resistance
3 Ohm's Law, Energy, and Power
4 Series Circuits
5 Parallel Circuits
6 Series-Parallel Circuits
7 Magnetism and Electromagnetism
II Ac Circuits
8 Introduction to Alternating Current and Voltage
9 Capacitors
10 RC Circuits
11 Inductors
12 RL Circuits
13 RLC Circuits and Resonance
14 Transformers
15 Time Response of Reactive Circuits
III Devices
16 Diodes and Applications
17 Transistors and Applications
18 Operational Amplifiers (Op-Amps)
19 Op-Amp Circuits
20 Special Purpose Op-Amp Circuits
21 Measurements, Conversion, and Control
A Table of Standard Resistor Values
B Capacitor Color Coding and Marking
C The Current Source, Norton's Theorem and Millman's Theorem
D Devices Data Sheets
Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems
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Selasa, 17 September 2013

Engineering mechanic dynamics 5th ed meriam kraige solution manual

                                       Book Description
Concise and authoritative, this book set the standard for excellence in basic mechanics texts. The major emphasis is on basic principles and problem formulation. Strong effort has been made to show both the cohesiveness of the relatively few fundamental ideas and the great variety of problems that these ideas solve. All of the problems deal with principles and procedures inherent in the design and analysis of engineering structures and mechanical systems with many of the problems referring explicitly to design considerations.
                               Table Of Content
* Introduction to Dynamics
* Kinematics of Particles
* Kinetics of Particles
* Kinetics of Systems of Particles
* Plane Kinematics of Rigid Bodies
* Plane Kinetics of Rigid Bodies
* Introduction to Three-Dimensional Dynamics of Rigid Bodies
* Vibration and Time Responses
Appendix A: Area Moments of Inertia
Appendix B: Mass Moments of Inertia
Appendix C: Selected Topics of Mathematics
Appendix D: Useful Tables
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